IP seminar with DU pupils

To sensitize the students about the effective implementation and protection of Intellectual Property Laws, Bangladesh Copyright and Industrial Property Forum (BIPF) and University of Dhaka jointly organized an interactive session entitled “Intellectual Property Law: Perspective Bangladesh” on January 7, 2012 at the Faculty of Law, University of Dhaka.

The session was participated by students and faculty members from University of Dhaka and representatives from concerned organizations and government ministries. Dr. Rafiqullah Khan, Professor, Department of Bengali, University of Dhaka; Sharifa Khan, Director, WTO Cell, Ministry of Commerce; Kazi Zahin Hasan, Chairman, Bangladesh Copyright and Industrial Property Forum; A B M Hamidul Mishbah, Founder; and Tamanna Faiz, In-Charge, Public Relations and Communications from BIPF attended the session.

Speakers at the session stressed on complete implementation of intellectual property for the sake of foreign investment in Bangladesh and protection of individual creativity. Sharifa Khan, Director, WTO Cell, Ministry of Commerce said, “It is high time for Bangladesh to have a fully instrumental Intellectual Property Law.”

Commenting on the need of awareness among the law students, she opined, “Bangladesh has ratified different international trade agreements of which intellectual and industrial provisions are a significant part, and to get a better understanding of these provision- students need to be aware of the Intellectual and Industrial Property Laws both at home and abroad.” Throughout the session students interacted with the experts and expressed their opinions on issues regarding implementation and applicability of Intellectual Property Law in Bangladesh. Barrister Mishbah said, “Through interactive seminar like this we get to know about the perceptions of the young and student community that have raised crucial issues regarding the successful implementation of Intellectual Property Law in Bangladesh.” Lecturer Arif Zamil from the Law Department moderated the session. Source: Star Campus, the Daily Star.